Tag: social media

  • Through the Looking Glass: What is Real and What is Not?

    Through the Looking Glass: What is Real and What is Not?

    Nowadays, it’s not easy to tell what is ‘real’ interaction and what is not. Along with the advancement of technology and how more and more people are entangled on the network, a lot of interaction happens ‘only’ as an idea manifested as data and displayed with computation. Looking at this from human-being’s perspective, it is…

  • Finding ME in MEDIA, Finding MEDIA in ME

    Finding ME in MEDIA, Finding MEDIA in ME

    Nowadays, along with the rapid development of computation and inclusivity of interface, the landscape of media has evolved significantly. The accessibility of digital media and the possibility to gather real-time feedback make audience’s position more important to decide what should occur on media. With endless option of content to consume, audience these days may prefer…

  • Merayakan Keberhasilan-Keberhasilan Kecil Setiap Hari

    Merayakan Keberhasilan-Keberhasilan Kecil Setiap Hari

    Beberapa tahun belakangan saya cukup sering ngobrol sesama perempuan termasuk ibu-ibu seumuran yang secara aktif menggunakan media sosial. Ketidakbahagiaan yang muncul karena aktivitas di media sosial ini adalah salah satu topik yang sering banget jadi dasar ‘karya’ saya baik itu tulisan, komik, bahkan buku ‘Happiness is Homemade‘ dan ‘Komik Persatuan Ibu-Ibu‘. Hampir setiap ada kesempatan…

  • This ‘Personal Branding’ Thingy

    This ‘Personal Branding’ Thingy

    Well, actually this topic has been staying on my mind for a while but I haven’t really got time and mood to type things down. Until this morning, I felt good and even did a bit of morning run then I found this news about an ‘influencer’ staging her ‘surprise engagement weekend’ and propose sponsorship…

  • Noisy World

    Noisy World

    Nowadays everyone can speak up their mind, telling people what to do, whom not to choose on the next election, who the terrible mom is, when to get married, or where to go next holiday because the other places are touristy and less authentic. Nowadays everyone can make podcast, publish their own stories, create his…

  • Influencer, Konten dan Iklan

    Influencer, Konten dan Iklan

    Sebetulnya ada topik lain yang sudah saya jadwalkan untuk di post hari ini, namun saya pikir sekarang bisa menjadi momen yang pas untuk bicara soal influencer, konten dan konten berbayar (alias… iklan). Saya harap tulisan ini nggak menyinggung siapapun, namun sekiranya ada yang tersinggung bisa dijadikan bahan refleksi. Rasanya belakangan saya sering sekali mendengar kata…